Your ads should shine out from the rest like a golden beacon, but there not are they?
They are more likely to be scrolled past like the thousands of other similar ads out there, and that is because anyone can write an ad but it takes someone with the right knowledge to write a good ad, and over the next couple of minutes I'm going to tell you 3 simple questions you need to ask yourself when you write your ads that will make your ads shine out from the rest.
What are you saying to them, who are you saying it to and how are you reaching them. once you've got that nailed down you will be able to take over markets all over the universe.
What are you saying
You need to focus on making what you are saying clear and powerful, you need to cut through the clutter otherwise no one's gonna take the time to even read what you have to say.
And the most important thing to know is that you should NEVER use the word cheap. When I see the word cheap in an ad, I wanna reach through the computer and strangle the idiot that's used it. It is the worst way to differentiate yourself, so please NEVER use the word cheap.
Who are you saying it to
Knowing who you are selling to gives you a massive advantage in selling, that is simply because you can't sell to everyone, your marketing needs to be geared towards the people that are most likely to buy.
It would be much easier to sell a skateboard to the skateboarder than the volleyball player, do you get what i mean? There is a market for everything you just need to find it, which leads me onto my next point.
How are you reaching them
The most important part of the process, but lucky for you social media has made this a lot easier, as you can look over people's lives online, see what they like and what platforms they use the most, which gives you the utmost advantage in being able to reach them. It creates a clear path of what you should say, how you should say it and on what platform to get the most sales and to be in front of the right people.
If you think you've just found the secret sauce to your ads, give me an email or visit my website, because there's plenty more where that came from.